Dealers & Fleets
Welcome Dealers & Fleet Customers
Customer Service Website
This site provides authorized customers of Yokohama with a means to more efficiently conduct business with Yokohama, including processing delivery receipts, placing orders, checking the status of an order, checking inventory, and other functions.
0Digital Asset Management System
The Yokohama Digital Assets Management System allows Authorized Dealers, media and agencies direct access to Yokohama assets for marketing and editorial purposes. These assets include Yokohama product images, logos, photography, videos and much more.
0Marketing Materials
This site provides authorized customers of Yokohama with a means to order support materials for their showrooms, including literature, brochures, and point of sale.
Online Product Training
EXCEED is Yokohama's interactive, self-directed website training program for Yokohama dealers. Here, you'll start expanding your knowledge of tires, learn how to recommend the perfect set of Yokohamas for your customers' needs and even experience a simulated customer exchange to help coach you through commonly asked questions.
0Advantage Distributor Website
Authorized Distributors of the Yokohama ADVANTAGE Program can access the many features of this site, including processing reports and viewing historical data related to their associate dealers. This site puts information at the Distributors' fingertips and provides the tools necessary to maintain momentum and success within the program.
0Associate Dealer Website
The Yokohama ADVANTAGE Program helps authorized Associate Dealers manage their growth and succeed through a customized dashboard. Dashboard views give associate Dealers access to their performance progress, tier-level projections, reward history, co-op claims and other special features.
0Tech Service Bulletin
Technical Service Bulletins are issued on a periodic basis in order to keep our customers current on new information, proper treatment, care and the development of Yokohama products.